TUAH Partnership With MKC Group DMCC

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia – 11 September 2023
We are pleased to announce our partnership with MKC Group DMCC – United Arab Emirates Greentech company to develop joint offering of solutions to accelerate the implementation of #CarbonCaptureUtilization (CCU) to the Malaysian emitter industry.
The main objective of the joint collaboration between TUAH GROUP (via our company TUAH ENERGY SDN BHD) and MKC Group DMCC is to bring together their combined expertise and proven carbon capture utilization (CCU) technology utilizing the safe the gas-liquid conversion of carbon dioxide and hydrogen to methanol using a flow reactor that provides synthesis of methanol in the hypercritical phase, and Tuah´s EPC experience to build and deliver full-turnkey Carbon Capture Utilization plants.
MKC Group of Companies is an engineering enterprise focusing on turnkey power generating facilities construction. The company designs, constructs and operates gas genset power plants (mini-CHP-plants). Since 2005 the company has constructed over 54 mini-CHP-plants in various regions of Russia and abroad. The total capacity of the implemented power projects is 269 MW.
MKC Group of Companies’ work principles based on adaptation of the best world practices to the Russian engineering tradition guarantee a successful experience of project implementation at each stage. For additional information, please refer to the MKC’s website at www.mkc.ae
Maksim Zagornov, CEO of MKC Group DMCC, says: “MKC technologies is ideally suited to capturing CO2 from post-combustion and turning CO2 into fuels, plastics and other valuable products. In Tuah Energy, we have found a partner with whom we collaborate to implement a safe and cost-effective carbon capture utilization (CCU) solution in Malaysia industrial emitters plants.”
Ir. Ahmad Nazwan, Executive Director at TUAH, adds: “This technology allows us to offer our customers a robust and efficient carbon capture utilization (CCU) technology particularly suited to Malaysia industrial emitters plants.”
B.E Tuah – Building the Future, Empowering Safety